Wednesday, June 30, 2010

:| I are Unimpressed

This does not bode well for the human race's continued existence.

Al* finally accepts that a woman can be sexually active and they start to make love again.

It's the again that really gets me.

*For the record, Al is not me.  I fully accept and believe that women can be sexually active.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

Cannibalism is Awesome

Paul is eating Rita’s figure with his eyes.
Om nom nom nom!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

South Carolina Politics....

For those of you who care...

For those of you who want in on the joke.The incident was voted "Best Political Stunt in 2006" by readers of the Free Times.

"We stayed out past midnight, and anyone who stays out past midnight knows that's when sex happens--sex with ladies in their vaginas."  (Gay sex happens in the afternoon because they're scandalous like that.)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Quotable Scripts

I want the men to weigh in on this one:
Physical desire--the anti-gravitational aspiration of the male organ--comes to him, with a pang and a flurry.