Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Eau de New Year

Ah, three weeks away from the hustle and bustle of the City of Angels. It's almost enough to recharge the batteries and prepare to return to the West Coast. So in preparation, some things I appreciate about the South:

--Being able to drive across town in 10 minutes.
--Being the crazier driver.
--Mocking my friends about having 'liquor stores' and not being able to buy alcohol in grocery stores. (To be fair, the first time my roommate and I threw a party and needed more alcohol STAT, I spent 20 minutes trying to figure out where a liquor store was until a native Californian looked at me like I was insane and asked me why I wasn't just going to the grocery store down the street. They thought my resulting awe was 'cute.')
--Mustard-based barbecue sauce
--CHEERWINE (themed care packages accepted.)
--The queer nightlife, wherein the alternative lifestyle' denizens of the oppressed South go uber-queer and party hard.
--ssssssllllllloooooowwwww living. Makes reading books easier.

But now I am in the land of sun (it rained for the first two days I was back) and warmth (it was freezing, indoors and out) and In-N-Out burger.

Irony of the Trip: The really fat guy wearing a “Property of U.S. Athletic Dept” t-shirt.

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